Hotbox Sea Sauna: NI’s First Beach Sauna Experience


Meet Hotbox Sea Sauna…

Anna and Carl Isaksson are the founders of Hotbox: Northern Ireland’s first ever beach sauna experience.

The idea is simple yet utterly genius: what if after a cold plunge in the sea you could cosy into a sauna to sweat it out with your nearest and dearest?

In today's episode we talk about:

  • Working for and kissing kings

  • How a gal from NI ended up marrying a Swedish guy

  • Why they set-up a mobile sauna business

  • And the biggest successes/challenges they've faced along the way.

Check it out!


HotBox is an authentic Finnish wood-burning sauna located primarily at Benone Beach on the Causeway Coast and you can book your own hot slot over at their website


Hotbox Sea Sauna Treasure Trove:

One thing most people don't know about you: Carl has worked for a king and Anna has kissed a king!
Favourite Book:
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller (Carl), The history of love by Nicole Krauss (Anna)
Favourite Quote:

I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.” - Oscar Wilde (Anna)

Website -


How To Listen

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Thanks again to Hotbox Sea Sauna for taking the time to share their story with us.

See you next time.

— Matt

P.S. You can share this episode by clicking the buttons below.

Matthew Thompson